Who is Leroy Truth?

Who is Leroy Truth?
Leroy Truth is an investigative journalist dedicated to exposing corruption, sex crimes, and abuses of power in New Jersey, particularly focusing on Mayor and State Senator Brian Stack. He runs Leroy Truth Investigations, a YouTube and Facebook channel where he documents his investigations and holds powerful political figures accountable.
Leroy has received over 3,100 allegations of corruption against Stack, including extortion, bribery, voter fraud, voter intimidation, sexual assault, pay-to-play and retaliation against female victims.
Stack has used harassment, assault, robbery, and unlawful arrest in attempts to silence Leroy’s investigations.
Despite facing over 25 incidents of harassment, assaults, physical attacks, damaged camera equipment robbery and unlawful arrests all
allegedly all directed by New Jersey Senator and Mayor of Union City, N.J. Brian Stack, Leroy Truth and his entire team remains fearless, relentless and committed to justice.
His work has amplified the voices of victims, particularly women who have suffered abuse at the hands of of Senator and Mayor Brian Stack’s Administration.
Leroy Truth is also actively working to get New Jersey State Senators to investigate and remove Stack from his role as Head of The New Jersey Senate Judiciary due to his history of corruption, intimidation, and abuse of power.
Additionally, Leroy Truth just launched a new website dedicated to continuing expose the truth about Senator and Mayor Brian Stack and other corrupt politicians throughout the State of New Jersey.
The core inspiration for starting HUDTRUTH is to document the numerous allegations and evidence against Brian Stack, ensuring the public has full access to the truth.
Some of of the powerful qualities of Leroy Truth includes resilience, courage, creativity, and an unwavering dedication to justice.
If you have any tips or would like to reach Leroy about any matter, send an email to leroytruth247@gmail.com