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Political Power Play: HC Executive Craig Guy and Mayor Brian Stack Undermine Hudson County Sheriff’s Office While Joe Blaettler Steps In as Unpaid Advisor to Help Schillari Fight Back



BREAKING! As per sources in Hudson County, Hudson County Executive Craig Guy is doing everything in his power to undermine Hudson County Sheriff Frank Schillari.

Guy has placed politics above public safety and is placing the public at risk.

Since Guy is supporting Schillari opponent Bayonne, New Jersey Mayor Jim Davis in the upcoming election, Guy has refused to allow Sheriff Schillari to hire new officers as well as refused to allow Schillari to hire key personnel who prior to their retirements, assisted the Sheriff with policy.

Additionally, Craig Guy via Hudson County Prosecutor Esther Suarez, has stalled two internal investigations involving employees of the Sheriff’s office who are aligned with Mayor and Senator Brian Stack and Craig Guy.

Guy and Stack are doing everything possible to destroy the Hudson County Sheriff’s Department in an attempt to get Mayor and Senator Brian Stacks’ chosen candidate Jim Davis elected Hudson County Sheriff regardless of the collateral damage this will cause to the safety of the Hudson County community.

To help the Sheriff, Schillari’s closest political advisers reached out to Joe Blaetter, Retired Union City, New Jersey Police Deputy Chief and asked if he would agree to serve as an unpaid advisor to Sheriff Schillari.

Our sources have confirmed that the Sheriff and Blaettler met.

It is unknown what was discussed, but Blaettler was seen in the county building last week.

Since retiring, Blaettler has served as a police policies and procedures expert.

Blaettler had also served as an adjunct professor of criminal justice.


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